Los Tigres del Norte
Los Tigres del Norte
Los Tigres del Norte, la banda norteña legendaria, regresan con su gira 2024 ' Aquí Mando Yo'. Con más de seis décadas de historia musical e innumerables éxitos, la banda está lista para llevar sus corridos y rancheras eternas a los fans de todo el mundo..
Los Tigres del Norte, the iconic norteño band, are back with their 2024 ' Aquí Mando Yo' Tour. With over six decades of music history and countless hits, the band is ready to bring their timeless corridos and rancheras to fans across the globe.
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By purchasing a ticket you are authorizing the Dr. Phillips Center to share your info with the show producer. Prices, shows, artists, dates and times are subject to change at any time without notice. The views and opinions expressed within this show are those of the artist(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Dr. Phillips Center.
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Performance Notes
Date: Friday, April 18, 2025
Times: 8 p.m.
Tickets from: $56
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