Our Leadership
Passion makes it happen.
Together they’ve developed an innovative, responsible design and operations plan. They raise funds for construction, uphold partnerships and see all phases of Dr. Phillips Center’s development to completion.
But above all else, the one trait that bonds our leadership team is a passionate dedication to making our community a better place to live, work and play. They all share a love of the arts, and it’s their collective vision of what the arts can be—and do—that drives their every effort. That vision is Arts For Every Life®.
Ed Timberlake – Chairman
Sibille Pritchard – Chair Elect
James H. Pugh, Jr. – Chair Emeritus
Katherine Ramsberger – President & CEO
Donald Ammerman
Jeffrey Bittenbinder
The Honorable Linda Chapin
Joe Conte
The Honorable Jerry Demings
Anil Deshpande
The Honorable Buddy Dyer
Tricia Edris
Heather Fagan
Joyce Green
Garry Jones
Harvey Kobrin
Jay Madara
Carol Massey
Irving Matthews
Steve Miller
Harold Mills
Bill Orosz
Frank Santos
Jim Shapiro
Chuck Steinmetz
Jonathan Taylor
Craig Ustler